Monday, April 1, 2013


I had a blog post written but I didn't like it anymore so I decided to bullet point some things I've written in my journal in the past week or so:

- I feel normal and natural in BA

- Buenos Aires makes me feel like ME. I am happy, exploring, learning, seeking, dancing, eating, living.

- Met a guy named Maximo. A must-do in BA.

- I'll be back here.

- I baked cookies for Easter with Maritina (host mom) and it felt so cozy and familiar. I miss home.

- Certain moments/songs/people remind me of Boston life. It's the strangest feeling.

- "the crazy thing about BA is that there is no geographical divide between classes, we coexist." - doctor at community health center

- Ambulances refuse to enter shanty town.. How is that okay?

- Ummm why doesn't anyone know about cardiovascular heart disease? (Case study observation)

- Teatro Colon is unreal/gorgeous/magical

- Never going to feed my future babies transgenic, chemically treated, pesticide infested stuff.

- "La mejor traducción entre dos lenguas es un beso."

- Holly and I found a massive book about South Africa in El Ateneo (beautiful old theater/bookstore) and I'm so excited!!

- Countryside visit plans were changed because buses/cars can't make it through the mud to get into the villages. Hmmm social determinant of health?

- It's April 1st. Where did the time go?

Time is officially flying. I can't believe that in a little more than a month I'll be landing in JFK and going back to real life. I'm not even sure what that means yet. I'm excited to disconnect for a bit when we get to South Africa and take in every moment before its over.

Feliz Pascua amigos, muchos besos.


1 comment:

  1. Overseas State of Mind. I'm interested in seeing BA. I wonder if we feel normal because we ran away or because we returned home?
